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Applicant partner; coordinator. Stivako has a long lasting reputation in The Netherlands as the Institute for management education, marketing, planning and costing and estimating for the Creative Industry and the print media industry, all in close cooperation with the employers’ federation Royal KVGO. Stivako is also experienced in developing games for education and entrepreneurship.



Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, is a member of the Ghent University Association and offers a wide variety of study programmes in the fields of business, teacher training, communication and media, healthcare and social work.

The ‘Graphic and Digital Media’ department is located on the campus in Mariakerke where almost 850 students are enrolled in the professional bachelor of Graphic and Digital Media. They are daily working with 50 lecturers and staff members to enhaunce their expertise in the crossmedia environment by training, research and services. We have students in several specializations: Cross Media Design, Graphic Media Management, Multimedia Audio Visual Design and New Media Development.


Hellenic Open University

Hellenic Open University (HOU)  is a legal entity of public law, completely independent and autonomous, providing high-quality university education via distance learning. within HOU, operates the School of Applied Arts that offers three postgraduate programmes. Among them there is the Master Programme on Graphic Arts and Multimedia, operating since 2004.  

The programme consists of four thematic units and one of these is the one on   Graphic Arts Technology. Through this Thematic Unit, HOU has developed significant research and scientific work, mainly at International level. Scientists and researchers on Graphic arts/communication, printing, publishing, media and packaging fields, are developing projects and international cooperation activities quite efficiently.

Tallinn Polytechnic School

Tallinn Polytechnic School  is one of the oldest vocational schools in Estonia with three big departments: Energetics and automatics department; Info technology department and a Media department.


Muldis is an ICT-company and consultancy firm with a large experience in developing platforms and ICT tools, games, applications on national and EU-level. Muldis develops since 20 years software for the social partners in print media and creative industry.


Escola Algueró
Escola Algueró is a well based industrial VET school in Barcelona. It has very close ties with the Catalonian Employers’ federation and therefore is a leading school. The courses the school provides are a mix of the traditional sector and indeed the transformation from traditional to the new media industry.




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