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Planning: Final partnermeeting (17 and 19th) and multiplier event (18th of November) in Thallin, Estonia. November 2021.

Online Multiplier event:


We will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period:

  • Finalizing Exchange Platform:

  • Status contacts (presentation per partner) with VET and HE schools 

  • Administration and finance

  • Preparing Multiplier Event Thallin

  • Communication, dissemination and impact

  • Closure of the project and final report

  • The exchange platform in 2022.


Fifth partnermeeting in Barcelona, Spain. 30st, and 1st  of September/October 2021. 

Agenda: we will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period:

  • Status development Exchange Platform in total: what is active and which still need development? EKFI.EU

  • Experiences per partner (presentation) on uploading the material

  • Necessary actions in relation to the application in the next period

  • Status contacts (presentation per partner) with VET and HE schools regarding available learning material and uploading of the collected material

  • Preparing Multiplier Event Thallin

  • Communication and dissemination

Extra online partnermeeting 4th  of June 2021.

Agenda: discussed the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period. We will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period:

  • Status development Exchange Platform in total: what is active and which still need development? EKFI.EU

  • Experiences per partner (presentation) on uploading the material

  • Necessary actions in relation to the application in the next period

  • Status contacts (presentation per partner) with VET and HE schools regarding available learning material and uploading of the collected material

  • Communication and dissemination

Extra SKYPE-meeting Tuesday, the 26th of January 2021 due to


We will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period. We will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period:

  • Status development Exchange Platform in total: what is active and which still need development? EKFI.EU

  • Experiences per partner (presentation) on uploading the material

  • Necessary actions in relation to the application in the next period

  • Status contacts (presentation per partner) with VET and HE schools regarding available learning material and uploading of the collected material

  • Communication and dissemination

  • Status reports to National agency

  • Administration

  • Planning coming period (Barcelona June and Tallinn in September/October)

Extra SKYPE-meeting Friday the 30st of October

We will discuss the status of the EKFI-project and prepare the actions in the coming period.

The agenda of the online meeting had the following points:

  • Report on the status of Covid 19 and the effects on the project-activities per country.

  • Presentation of the prototype and the applications of the EKFI-platform. Discussion on questions to answer to finish the technical building of the application.

  • the uploading of learning material on the platform of the partners and other institutes.

  • Dissemination and impact activities in the period March-October 2020 and the activities in the coming period till February 2021.

  • Adjustment of the date of the multiplier event in Thallin.  

It was a very usefull meeting to plan the activities in the coming period and make decisions on several aspects.


Fifth meeting Barcelona, Spain. 11th,12th and 13th of November 2020 is cancelled due to COVID-19 and will be organized spring 2021.

The activities of the fifth meeting:

  • Status of the Exchange platform and Intake application (O1 & O2), Bartermodule (Q3) including demo,

  • Status development searchrobot

  • Testing of learning material on the platform

  • Status contacts with VET and HE schools regarding learning material and uploading of collected material

  • Communication and dissemination

  • Status on copyright issues

  • Status reports to National agency.


Fourth meeting Deventer, The Netherlands, 20th and 21 of February 2020.

The activities of the fourth meeting:

  • status of the Exchange platform and Intake application (O1 & O2) including demo,

  • discussion on the development of the ICT components of the Barter system 

  • discuss the search for uploadable material in every partner country

  • discuss the tasks in coming period -till- May 20:

  • Communication, dissemination.


Third meeting Ghent, Belgium, 3th and 4th of October 2019, Expertmeeting on the 3th of October (afternoon)

The activities of the third meeting:

  • status of the Exchange Platform and intake application (O1 & O2) including demo,

  • final discussion about the adjustments to be made to the exchange platform and intake application

  • discussion on the preparation of the development of the ICT components of the Barter system – in the next period to develop

  • discuss the search for uploadable material in every partner country

  • finalising the research report (Spain)

  • discuss the tasks in coming period - Oct 19 - May 20:

  • Communication, dissemination.


During the expert meeting:

  • Opening expert meeting / short presentation project (Artevelde)

  • presentation desk research, discuss existing platforms – Barter systems (Artevelde)

  • start focus discussions / ideas (Artevelde) – plenary session

  • round up focus discussion, summary of ideas / remarks

Second meeting Athens, Greece, 15th and 17th of May 2019, Expertmeeting on the 16th of  May

The activities of the second meeting:

  • Presentation per partner of the results of the research and Spain will give an overall presentation.

  • Presentation on the educational & technical aspects of the EKFI-platform.

  • Presentation on the educational and technical aspects of the intake module.

  • Evaluation expert meeting day.

  • Barter module and other tasks in the project.


During the Expertmeeting:

  • Presentation of the EKFI project:  Frank den Hartog, Coordinator, STIVAKO, The Netherlands

  • Short presentation country study – mapping the user needs for the platform: Joan Creus, Fundació Privada Indústries Gràfiques - Escola Antoni Algueró, Catalonia-Spain

  • Presentation:  The Intake module: presentation on two aspects: educational by Evangelos Syrigos, HELGRAMED and technical by Gerasimos Vonitsanos, HOU. 

  • In the afternoon: discussion.



Kick-off meeting Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands, 3th and 4th of December 2018 


The activities:

  • Presentation and discussion scope project, outcomes, target group and   planning and activities

  • Workshop: knowledge levelling and defining scope on the Exchangeplatform and its modules

  • Workshop: knowledge levelling and defining the research in the participating     countries

  • Workshop: knowledge levelling and informing on dissemination and impact of the  EFKI-project

  • Project activities and administration.



First Technical Work Conference Barcelona Oktober 2018

At this work conference on the first of November in Barcelona, Spain, a selection of the participating partners prepared the Kick Off conference including the workshops. The kick off conference will take place in Schiphol-Rijk on the 3th and 4th of December.


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