In the EKFI-project we will developed four outputs:
O1–Web based Exchange platform learning material & research
reports and material consist of:
1. Three Workshops:
Scope of the platform creative & communication industry,
Target groups & key competences,
Rough design web based platform & applications:
Exchange Platform incl. learning material and research reports
Intake application
Barter system purchase application
Search robot
2. Report on existing learning material & research reports. The project will create a database of existing material from various countries, schools, organisations (See application ekfi.eu)
3. Report on the description of the educational structure of the platform as input to the platform’s technical design (see O2)
4. Developed, tested, adjusted prototype Exchange platform incl. final ICT applications published on the web (See ekfi.eu)
Final output Exchange platform working on internet including uploaded learning material and research reports: ekfi.eu
O2–Intake application:
The learning and research material has to meet certain educational standards and formats in order to pass the platform’s entrance requirements. The criteria will be further developed in this project. The basic elements of learning material need at least to be identified in a standard manner, this will be the classification method. We will use the European Qualification Framework.
1. A report will describe the content part of the intake application, which will be the base to the technical design of the prototype of the application.
2. Developed, tested, adjusted prototype of the intake application and finial ICT application connected to the Exchange platform published on the web.
3. Uploaded learning material and research reports and material, meeting the educational standards and formats.
4. Connection to the Barter system to access credits when the material is accepted on the Exchange platform after uploading material.
Interim output:
O3–Barter system Purchase tool:
The learning and research material will be uploaded on the platform. If you upload, you can download material. The platform uses the purchase tool to facilitate the download. The barter tool is an exchange system where goods/services are directly exchanged for other goods/services without using money as a medium of exchange for instance. In the project we will develop the criteria under which the up- & download takes place and according to which the value of the uploaded material is determined and the value at which material can be downloaded. Barter, as replacement for money as exchange method will be working with a kind of credit system. Credit systems are well known in the educational world.
1. A report will describe the way in which the Barter & credit systems work. The content part of the Barter system Purchasing tool will be the base for the technical design of the prototype.
2. Developed, tested, adjusted prototype of the Barter system Purchasing tool and final ICT application connected to Exchange platform published on the web. Connection to Intake application to determine amount of credits when material is made ready for download.
Interim report:
O4-Search robot:
To support the connection between the Exchange platform with the uploaded learning and research material and the different target groups (educational & research institutes, entrepreneurs, companies, social-partners, sector organizations like labour market and educational funds),a search robot will be developed. The robot has to map the needs and requirements for new, adjusted or enriched learning material and research reports and material (new to the user of the platform) is deposited with respect to the learning and research material present.
A match between the needs and the knowledge, competences & skills in the learning & research material will be made.
1. A report will describe the way in which the Search robot works. The content of the search tool will be the base for the technical design of the prototype.
2. The developed, tested, adjusted prototype of the Search robot and its final ICT application connected to the Exchange platform will be published on the web.
Interim report:
The project also delivers:
Research on the creative & communication industry in the 5 countries on existing learning material & research reports that can be published on the Exchange platform; a base of collected existing learning material & research reports leading to a database of material. The scope of the search for the learning material depends on the knowledge developed in the intake application. This will focus on the competences needed by the target groups and creative & communication industry and sub sectors. Evaluation of the material using the intake application and judge it on suitability for the Exchange Platform
Research on the creative & communication industry in the 5 countries on existing learning material & research reports that can be published on the Exchange platform
Communication and dissemination: website, presentations, brochures, leaflets, publications in journals
Partner meetings incl. kick-off, final conference on the subject of exchange of learning material and research reports and materials
See Progress & Results
A Multiplier event to inform educational partners, the EGIN network and social partners in the creative & communication industry
Report: broadcasting video published on YouTube