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“Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI) are undergoing considerable change. They need support to enable them to create cross-border networks and platforms to help structure and strengthen the CCI”. A central quote in the Europe 2020 Strategy for growth and jobs of the EC (2017/18). It not only aims to respond to changing skills needs by promoting innovation in education the creation of new businesses, but also mapping the different value chains in the digital age (artistic crafts, publishing, film/TV, multimedia, etc).


Research reveals and describes the need for new/updated competences and skills in the CCI. These skills were found vital requirements, as stated in in the reports: The future on the European Print Industries – In our own hands (Intergraf/UNI Europa 2010); Future skills in the Graphical Industry(2016); Report of the running CIGN project: Identification of skills gaps in cross-media design and production in the creative industries at EU-level; Project Thrive! Report (2018).


The above justify to investigate innovative approaches for scanning needs for competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes) and matching them with suitable (existing) learning and research material to stimulate innovation. The objective is to create an Exchange platform, to facilitate innovative learning/research material, to map the competence (user) needs and match these

with existing learning/research module(s) on the web based platform.




















The Exchange platform can be applied for the project target groups: VET and HEs, SMEs, sector organizations, others in the CCI. It will operate as a set of ICT-applications (IO’s): a database of existing learning/research material (from various sources) will be created by uploading this material to an platform(O1). The uploading will be supported by the Intake application(O2) where the learning/research material will be described and meet educational standards/formats in order to pass the entrance requirements. The Search robot(O4) makes it possible for the user to map the competence needs and match the needs with learning/research module(s). The download of the material uses the Barter system purchase application(O3). It is a system of exchange where goods are directly exchanged for other goods without using money, as a medium of exchange.





We develop the criteria under which the upload and download

takes place and according to which the value of the uploaded

material is determined and the value at which material can be

downloaded. The system will be working with a kind of credit

system. During testing we will use the research on developments

and new competences and developed learning material

(on 5 subsectors of the CCI) of a running Erasmus+ project (Thrive!)

to test the ICT applications. These applications and the knowledge

behind it makes the existing learning/research material transparent.


The education problems in the CCI focus on two aspects:


1. in the more traditional parts of the CCI the need to educate future employees is less due to the development in the labour market. So investments in research and learning material is a problem to the institutes(according to committees in charge of education & training and CCI employers organizations-2017).


2. In other parts of the CCI the developments follow each other in rapid succession. This means large investments must be made in the development of learning resources. There is also the possibility that the competences at the institute may be of a too low level to develop state of the art knowledge. In addition, not every organization is able to follow developments in educational fields such as blended learning.

An Exchange platform can be a solution to solve these problems.


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