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Extra Skype-meeting (13-01-2021)

Yesterday evening the prime minister in the Netherlands gave a press conference, announcing that the lockdown will be prolonged until the 9th of February. Therefore the meeting in Barcelona is now definitely cancelled for January and optional moved to 3&4 June. This meeting will be replaced by a Skype-meeting on Tuesday, the 26th of January. 

The Agendapoints:

  • Status development Exchange Platform in total: what is active and which still need development? EKFI.EU

  • Experiences per partner (presentation) on uploading the material

  • Necessary actions in relation to the application in the next period

  • Status contacts (presentation per partner) with VET and HE schools regarding available learning material and uploading of the collected material

  • Communication and dissemination

  • Status reports to National agency

  • Administration

  • Planning coming period (Barcelona June and Tallinn in September/October)


A Happy New Year 2021 (31-12-2020)

2020 was an exciting year for everyone and therefore also for us at the EKFI-project. We look back on a year in which not much was possible. In March we were faced with the choice to  arrange current affairs remotely. The different countries of the partners had different situations with regard to COVID-19.  This meant that contacts with stakeholders became much more difficult and only a few activities could be organized. Hopefull 2021 will be a better year for organizing events and partner meetings.

Thanks to all our stakeholders and  partners with whom we have worked this year for the trust, patience and understanding.

We wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2021. We look forward to it with great expectation and hope to be able to work with you on this interesting project.


Testing Exchange plarform has started. (05-12-2020)

During the COVID 19- lockdown, work continued on the construction of the application with which learning materials and research results in Europe in the future can be shared . At the moment, the partners of the project are uploading the learning resources from their countries to test the developed parts of the platform.

















Meeting in Barcelona is posponed till January 2021 and replaced by a online meeting on 30 October 2020. (30-10-2020)

The planned partnermeeting in Barcelona is posponed to January 2021. We have organized a Skype-meeting instead.












The agenda of the online meeting had the following points:

  • Report on the status of Covid 19 and the effects on the project-activities per country.

  • Presentation of the prototype and the applications of the EKFI-platform. Discussion on questions to answer to finish the technical building of the application.

  • the uploading of learning material on the platform of the partners and other institutes.

  • Dissemination and impact activities in the period March-October 2020 and the activities in the coming period till February 2021.

  • Adjustment of the date of the multiplier event in Thallin.  

It was a very usefull meeting to plan the activities in the coming period and make decisions on several aspects.


















Meetings EKFI has been moved due to COVID 19 (30-09-2020)

The activities and meetings of the EKFI project have been delayed and moved to later dates by COVID19. Contact between the partners and the schools, among other things, has only been quite difficult because in various countries the VET and HE were closed until and are slowly starting up. The EGIN conference of november 2020 is cancelled. At this moments it is unsure if these activities will start in the new year. A partner meeting is planned in November 2020. 


Activities EKFI in slow motion due to COVID 19 (06-07-2020)

The activities of the EKFI project have been slightly delayed by COVID19. Contact between the partners and the schools, among other things, has only been relatively established because in various countries the VET and HE are closed until after the summer period. Also, the EGIN conference, where the EKFI project would be extensively presented, is canceled. Contacts with EGIN-secretary show that no conference activities are being organized this year due to the uncertainty surrounding COVID19 in the various European countries.


Developer starts testing (22-04-2020)

The development of the exchange platform, the intake- and barter module and search robot of the EKFI-project runs according the planning. Fortunately, we moved the May meeting to February 2020. Due to the lockdowns in the various countries and the ban on travel, the meeting could not have been held in May. The
project would therefore have been delayed by the Corona virus. At this
moment, the software developer has started uploading learning resources to
perform the first tests. The other activities are on the back burner due to the limited possibilities due to the corona crisis.


EKFI at SIGN & Print Festival (18-03-2020)
The EKFI-partner Stivako was present at the SIGN & Print Festival on the 11th and 12ve of March at Gorinchem in The Netherlands. During this fair Stivako informed entrepreneurs and teachers, staff and students of participating or visiting printmedia-schools about activities of the EKFI-project.



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